
Save Our Wild Isles

This year has seen the National Trust, WWF and RSPB join together for the first time to campaign for nature. The Save our Wild Isles, or SOWI, campaign has focused on raising awareness, inspiring action and galvanising the support needed to  bring about systemic and sustainable change to restore and protect nature.

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Postal Museum Delivers!

On the 10th October the Fit for the Future Sustainability Strategy Series continued with a fantastic presentation by Fit for the Future member the Postal Museum.  Annie Duffield, Head of Marketing and Communications and Tish Jayanetti, Head of Operations and Commercial provided an overview of how they developed the recently released Environmental Sustainability Framework and associated Action Plan. 

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Sustainability Manager Meetup - Marie Curie Offices

Fit for the Future members met up on the 22nd September to share challenges, learnings, resources, best practice and opportunities. 

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This event was electric!

We recently heard from four Fit for the Future members; the National Trust, The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, The Caravan and Motorhome Club, and British Heart Foundation as they shared their experience of Electric Vehicles and their infrastructure.

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Sustainabilty Strategy Series a Success

Our Sustainability Strategy Series continues to showcase and share a wide range of member approaches.  With presentations so far from network members the National Trust, English Heritage, and UK Sport, the series has got off to a fantastic start. Read on for information about the next event in the series...

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How do you communicate effectively about climate change?

Our recent webinar on the topic was extremely well received, with our highest number of registrations and recording views to date! Read more about this popular session...

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Spring to life with our new season of online events

We’re excited to announce that our Spring season of member events is now live on our events page!

We’ve got new events such as our series on Sustainability Strategy, and our Sustainability Champions Virtual Discussion Group as well as some fresh faces to bring a new perspective to some of the most popular sustainability topics we cover.

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Scope 3 Demystified

With organisations at different stages of understanding and taking action on scope 3 emissions, the Fit for the Future event on the 24th March provided information and inspiration for members to develop their knowledge and activity in this area.

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Fit for the Future 'Sustainable Projects' series off to flying start

From responsible retrofit to sustainable materials, the new Fit for the Future 'Sustainable Projects' event series for 2021 has been a big success with large numbers of members taking part. Catch up here.

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From Renewable Energy to Carbon Offsetting, Fit for the Future virtual events stack up well

It has been a busy time for the network with Fit for the Future members attending our diverse range of virtual events in recent weeks. Find out more about what we've covered here.

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