Many thanks to everyone who attended the Sustainability (Green) Champions Discussion Group on the 10th April.  A number of members have developed green or sustainability champion initiatives in their organisations and are keen to support others in this increasingly important area through a regular discussion group where members can share ideas, progress, lessons learnt and resources. Following on from last year’s successful sessions, this discussion group continues to share how members are:

  • Involving staff in developing an organisation’s environmental sustainability policy and strategy
  • Supporting staff to increase their knowledge of environmental sustainability issues and learn new skills e.g. carbon/climate literacy
  • Inspiring and empowering all staff to take action
  • Enabling environmental sustainability to be central in all activity


Carly Catchpole (Development Specialist - Climate Action, National Trust) started the discussion by providing an update on National Trust’s climate literacy programme for staff and volunteers, focusing on two key areas:

  • To deliver a foundation programme of learning interventions for all staff and volunteers
  • To support leaders and key decision makers through a programme of tailored activity

Members can watch the recordings and access all associated resources in the members area.