Date and Time

Wednesday 4th June 2025, 14:00-15:30


Free for members



The trialling and installation of renewable energy technology such as solar photovoltaic (PV) can be a challenging process.  Fit for the Future is keen to support members to share their experiences so they can learn from other organisations research and experience in this area.

At this webinar Fit for the Future member The Caravan and Motorhome Club (CAMC) will share key findings from their recent Brighton solar PV project and outline how it demonstrated the viability and benefits of increased solar PV technology for the CAMC network. 

CAMC will share key findings, budget & financial considerations and recommendations for future solar PV installations.  By implementing these recommendations, CAMC can effectively expand its solar PV capacity, reduce reliance on the grid, enhance sustainability, achieve significant financial savings, and include this in its Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) action plans.

Key Findings of the Brighton Solar PV System Evaluation

·       Exceeds Expectations: The Brighton system outperformed projections, generating 13% more electricity than initially forecast.

·       Undersized Array: The system's capacity was slightly insufficient for the site's base load demand.

·       Orientation Matters: East and west facing arrays can potentially optimize energy production by better aligning with peak demand periods.

·       Battery Storage: While promising, current high costs and connection complexities limit the feasibility of battery storage integration.


Recommendations for Future Solar PV Installations

·       Strategic Implementation: Integrate solar PV into major and relevant minor works projects across the CAMC network.

·       Site-Specific Assessment: Conduct thorough site assessments considering factors like base load, roof orientation, regional weather patterns, and efficiency potential.

·       Remote Monitoring: Implement remote data monitoring systems to enhance operational insights and optimize system performance.


Budget and Financial Considerations

·       Cost-Effective Approach: Commercial solar PV panels typically cost around £1.2k per kW, plus sizing needs to align with inverters.  

·       Long-Term Benefits: Solar PV installations provide significant long-term financial benefits post-payback period, contributing to profitability and sustainability goals.

·       Installation Targets: Aim for 15 annual solar PV installations across the CAMC network, leveraging major works projects and a dedicated budget.


There will be an opportunity to ask questions and to join in a group discussion, allowing you to share learning, progress, challenges and questions with other members across the network who are on the same journey.