New Work Streams Launched


In 2018 we offered members solid introductions to a range of core topics, from climate-change adaptation and mitigation to energy management. Due to popular demand, we will now be taking a number of these to the next level by introducing work streams. Each work stream is a series of themed events that will enable members to progress their understanding in one particular topic area throughout the year. 


Climate Change Adaptation


The climate change adaptation stream is a great example of how this will work. In 2018 we hosted a popular introductory seminar and site visit at National Trust's Tredegar House, where members were introduced to the impacts of climate change and how organisations can start to develop adaptation strategies. We also ran a strategy workshop at our annual membership conference, The Network Harvest. So that members can build on this knowledge, a new work stream brings members a number of follow-ups to ensure progression and practical application of what's been learnt. These will include: 


  • Climate change: what is the impact on my organisation? An event in partnership with the Met Office to identify the need for an adaptation strategy and to help inform its development. We'll look at what the risks to your organisation are, whether an adaptation strategy is required and whether adaptation an accepted priority in your organisation.
  • Is it possible to develop an adaptation strategy? A workshop focusing on where to start. We'll look at how an organisation places adaptation consideration and cost into day-to-day business and planning, what resources are available to support strategy development and implementation, how to communicate with and engage/persuade high level management in the issue and what questions we need to ask, specifically of key stakeholders and other professionals. 
  • Case studies on climate change, predicting impacts, monitoring of impacts, approaches/solutions, monitoring and development of adaptation measures/activity etc.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategy Tours. The practical side of things remains central to the network, and work streams will include a series of tours to demonstrate/review examples of climate change impacts and adaptation strategy development and implementation across different sites. Tour to inform debate and development of individuals organisations ongoing strategy development and implementation (to share and review progress)



We will also be providing work streams focusing on other key topics. For energy management, for example, the stream will initially focus on how organisations can identify the most effective and appropriate energy saving and generating measures, and how they can develop a framework for activity through installation and management. We'll then go on to provide information and support on data collection, analysis and reporting processes and systems for a complete look at energy management throughout the year. 


Delivering Core Services

Along with these work streams we'll be delivering all of our core services: 

  • Varied events including seminars, site visits, special interest groups, workshops and webinars so you to interact with members and projects, to learn first-hand. Fit for the Future is first and foremost about networking and making new connections. 
  • As always, with tailored link ups and peer consultancies we'll be connecting you directly with other members who have knowledge and experience in the sustainability areas you require support with. Did you know you can now use our new online member’s forums to share and request knowledge? If you haven't signed up yet, complete your profile and browse others in the network.
  • There are a huge range of shared resources including presentations, case studies, reports and templates available in our new online member’s area. You can browse them and search for what you're looking for here. 
  • We'll be providing opportunities to raise the profile of your organisation and sustainable projects through presenting/showcasing at events, online forums, social media, case studies, partnership opportunities etc.



Partnerships and associates


As ever we will continue to develop partnerships and associations with other networks to add value and diversity to the network. To bring in interesting speakers with valuable/unique knowledge and experience and provide opportunities to attend external events. A lot to be confirmed/finalised soon so watch this space!


Growing the membership


We are always keen to welcome new organisations onto the network bringing new members to add to the diversity and depth of knowledge and experience in the network. Providing members with more opportunities to network and make strong and beneficial connections and partnerships.


Useful, interesting, enjoyable and fun


As ever we aspire to make the network of great value to your organisation and to also be interesting and fun. To be hands-on, practical, accessible and interactive. Thank you so much for your ongoing support and we look forward to working with you in 2019. Please get in touch if you have any further ideas about how we can best help your organisation to become climate-friendly, adaptive and resilient this year. Onwards and upwards!