
Introducing Our First Network Champ

The Fit for the Future Network is proud to introduce its first Network Champion. Howard Richings has pioneered low carbon construction techniques and green energy solutions at the RNLI for more than 25 years. Through the cost savings and income generated via renewables, and supporting crews at lifeboat stations around the UK, Howard’s work has made a significant contribution to enabling the RNLI to achieve its core purpose of saving lives at sea. Howard has also been an active and hugely supportive member of the Network since its inception, offering advice to other organisations and sharing his expertise. We caught up with Howard upon his retirement for insight into his work and achievements.

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Introducing a Global Network of Sustainable Farms

Network member, INTO (International National Trusts Organisations), is an international network of National Trusts and is currently holding it’s 16th annual conference in Cambridge. Amongst the organisation’s many projects is Sustainable Farms, which brings together National Trust farming properties from across the globe. Anika Molesworth is the Global Coordinator for the project. We catch up with her to find out more about the project and some of the farms involved.

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Explore Eco Buildings for Free During Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days, running from this Thursday 10th September to Saturday 13th, is an annual festival celebrating England’s local history. During this time you can gain free access to buildings of every age, style and function, ranging from castles to factories, town halls to tithe barns, parish churches to Buddhist temples. This year, sustainable and eco -friendly buildings are a big part of the celebration, and there’ll be the opportunity to get a behind the scenes peak at these unique places

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The Highlights of Community Energy Fortnight

Community Energy Fortnight, hosted by Network members the Community Energy Coalition, kicks off on 5th September. We catch up with the CEC team to find out why community energy is so important and what events will be taking place this year.

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Ancient Trees and Enterprise in the Heart of Sherwood Forest

This month’s member story comes from Adam Potter, Head of Estates Maintenance at Thoresby Estate in the heart of Sherwood Forest, North Nottinghamshire. Adam tells us more about Thoresby’s sustainable wood fuel cycle, from restoring the estate’s native woodland to growing fuel for newly installed biomass boilers.

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Dreaming the Future: Sleepovers in Sustainable Church Pods

The Cathedral and Church Buildings Division support more than 16,000 Church of England buildings across the country. As times change, the organisation is finding innovative ways to make these buildings Fit For the Future. We catch up with Ruth Knight, their Environmental Policy Officer, to find out more.

Eenergy efficiency: heritage retrofit
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Network Good News Feed

Welcome to our very first Network Good News Feed. In these monthly posts, we’ll be shouting about some of the inspiring work being done by our members and celebrating their recent achievements. Here are July’s stories

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Retrofit and Carbon Reduction: Behind the Scenes of a Superhome

The SuperHome eco open house events take place throughout September, when you can explore local homes and be inspired by retrofit work and impressive energy savings. Jacob Morris-Davies, project officer and blogger for the SuperHomes team, brings us this case study of a Camden home to showcase what the events are all about.

Eenergy efficiency: heritage retrofit, Energy efficiency: modern building
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The Sensitive Retrofit of Traditional Buildings in the Commercial Sector

Claire Truman recently attended our Responsible Retrofit of Traditional Buildings conference, and we were delighted when she agreed to write a guest news piece for us. Claire is an Associate at EPR Architects, a BREEAM Accredited Professional and RIBA Conservation Registrant. Having worked at specialist practices – for ‘green’ architecture, and separately conservation – she now looks to bring these successfully together. 

Eenergy efficiency: heritage retrofit
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The Responsible Retrofit Conference 2015 in pictures

This year we teamed up with Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (STBA) to produce a national conference that would raise awareness and tackle the problem of irresponsible retrofit for traditional buildings. The idea was to bring together loads of different organisations under one roof, for a day of sharing best practice, networking and lively discussions.

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