Chelsea Physic Garden
Chelsea Physic Garden is nestled behind walls close to the River Thames and is the oldest botanical garden in London. It houses around 5,000 different medicinal, herbal, edible and useful plants. The garden also runs community projects and education programmes based around exploring, creating and well being.
The gardens have ambitions to monitor and reduce energy consumption, reduce packaging, increase recycling, educate visitors (including a new module on climate change as part of their schools programme), increasing sustainable transport information for visitors and focus on sustainable procurement for their catering outlets.They also aim to develop a more comprehensive overall sustainability plan for the garden.
Read more about the Garden

Butterfly Conservation
Butterfly Conservation is a British charity devoted to saving butterflies, moths and their habitats. They have 32 branches across the UK, run largely by volunteers.
The charity is keen to drive forward its Environmental Sustainability Policy, and is looking forward to learning from other Fit for the Future organisations that are further down the road with this. They also plan to begin monitoring and reporting on energy use, monitoring and managing the carbon footprint of their operations, and looking into sustainable transport.
Read more about Butterfly Conservation
Oxfam GB
We are delighted to welcome Oxfam GB back to the network. Oxfam is a globally renowned aid and development charity, working and campaigning with partners in over 90 countries worldwide. Oxfam is committed to integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies into its programmes. Climate change is affecting many of the communities with which Oxfam works; undermining their livelihoods through changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, and increasing the frequency and intensity of hazards such as floods and droughts.
The charity is also committed to managing and improving the environmental standards in operations and supply chains, in line with its Ethical and Environmental Policy. They are currently working on ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme), and developing a credible net zero target.
Read more about Oxfam GB
The Fit for the Future team are already linking practitioners from these organisations with fellow network members with the relevant knowledge and expertise. Fit for the Future has over 100 organisations from the not-for-profit, heritage, public and cultural sectors in its membership. See the full list of members, or find out how to join us and become more climate-friendly, adaptive and resilient by collaborating.