Date and Time

Tuesday 10th October 2023 - 11:00-12:30pm


Free for members



With many organisations focusing on understanding and reducing a wide range of their environmental impacts, it is often challenging to develop and co-ordinate policy, strategy and action.  The Fit for the Future network is continuing to support members in this key area through the Sustainability Strategy Series, providing members with the opportunity to share ambitions, challenges, solutions, resources, progress and lessons learnt.

On the 10th October we are delighted to hear from Fit for the Future member The Postal Museum, who recently released their Environmental Sustainability Framework.

The framework sets out the museum’s strategy for environmental sustainability over the next 6 years, demonstrating a commitment to make meaningful changes to operations and making tracked progress towards Net Zero emissions by 2040.

Annie Duffield, Head of Marketing and Communications and Tish Jayanetti, Head of Operations and Commercial will provide an overview of how they developed their Framework and associated Action Plan, focusing on 4 areas of impact:

Place: changes to our operation, from our buildings to our digital outputs
People: how our staff and volunteers are supported and will work
Programme: how we communicate about our environmental responsibility
with staff, stakeholders and visitors
Process: how we understand and measure impact, remain accountable
and resource our progress.


There will be an opportunity to ask questions and to join in a group discussion, allowing you to share learning, progress, challenges and questions with other members across the network who are on the same journey.

All members are welcome to attend, regardless of previous experience or knowledge on this topic.  The session will be of benefit to all network members, whatever your size and scope of operations/activity.  From organisations just starting off to those already delivering a sustainability strategy, there will be lots to share and collaborate on, from identifying collective challenges to learning from other approaches.