With this in mind, we would like to share some upcoming changes, services and opportunities.
Fit for the Future Events
We are committed to delivering our services as proactively as we can. Many of our planned events for the months ahead can be run virtually, and we will endeavour to deliver them in this way.
Our event on 24th March, for example, Sustainable Procurement: An Introduction, will be going ahead as a webinar with presentations led by Robin Sundaram, Responsible Sourcing Manager at Nestle, and his colleague Andrew Griffiths, Head of Value Chain Sustainability. We will also hear from Tom Hendry, Sustainability Officer at Chatsworth House. This event is still open to all members who can register here if they haven't already. Details of other events to be adapted virtually will be confirmed shortly.
In some instances where a site visit was integral to the event we will be postponing until the early autumn. Updates will be posted on our events page or LinkedIn.
We will also be running more webinars on a whole range of topics and look forward to sharing information about these with members in the coming weeks.
Networking in a Digital Age
Thankfully, we already have a fantastic resource at our disposal to keep conversations and knowledge-sharing happening across the network. Our online Members' Area includes forums where members can post questions, update their profiles and browse the profiles of others. We have created a full list of all current online resources available on the Members' Area- everything listed is accessible and downloadable in the 'resources' area once members are logged in.
The Network team, Fergus and Hannah, will continue to facilitate one-to-one link-ups between members by phone, video call or email.
Collaborating on Coronavirus
We have also set up an online forum in the Members' Area where practitioners can share challenges and questions specifically about delivering environmental sustainability work during the coronavirus pandemic. We may also run a virtual learning session on this if it proves to be a useful service.
If you don't follow us already, find us on LinkedIn or Twitter and share your thoughts, read our updates and keep in touch over the coming weeks.